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Negative Ions

Our atmosphere has both negative and positively charged ions, it however, does not contain as many negatively charged ions as positively charged ions; as a result, negative ions are rare. Mother Nature can create negative ions that cannot only be found in the air but also in certain minerals such as volcanic ash and tourmaline. By capturing volcanic ash and remnants of tourmaline and infusing them into our high grade silicone, Ion-Energy is able to deliver a very high count of negative ions in our products. Ion Energy Band and Ion Energy Bracelets have a minimum of 1500 negative ions per CC.

REEs, REMS, Tourmaline & Volcanic Ashe Mixture Produces High Counts of Negative Ions

Negative ions bond easily with other atoms and molecules and as a result are inherently hard to capture. Volcanic rock created from the most powerful geological force on earth, the Volcano, has been found to have bonded with minerals containing negative ions. This strong force bonds the highest amount of negative ions during eruption. Negative ions are obtained from such special natural stones or ores containing rare earth elements (REEs) or rare earth metals (REMs), as defined by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). There is a set of seventeen elements in the periodic table which can be used for this process. These volcanic ashes, REEs or REMs are powdered and then molded with high grade silicone to produce highest quality band that emit negative ion benefits.


Tourmaline is a crystal boron silicate mineral that is composed of many elements. Some of those elements are aluminum, iron, magnesium, lithium, and potassium. Tourmaline is known as a semi-precious stone and this stone comes in what is known as the rainbow colors. Tourmaline has the ability to generate electricity. Ion-Energy’s products are made with tourmaline and by using a negative ion tester our tests have proven that our products have the highest count of negative ions. Get the tourmaline edge you need to improve your day or night!

Tourmaline- A Gem

Tourmalines are gems/semi-precious stones that have a wide spectrum of colors. There is a long history behind this stone, as far back as old Egyptian times. Tourmaline is known for its rainbow look and multi-colors. In fact, the name tourmaline comes from the Singhalese word “tura mali”; it means the stone with mixed colors. Tourmaline is a very beautiful and out performs all other known gems because of it’s multiple color schemes. Tourmaline is special it’s ability to change colors in different light settings. tourmaline stone is alike, they can range from red to green to blue and yellow in color. The science behind this color is due to mixed crystals of aluminum boron silicate and its ability to change composition. The changing of the composition is the reason for the variety of colors.

Tourmaline Can Be Electrically Charged

Scientist love tourmaline because of its ability to be electrically charged. This means you can heat the stone and allow it to cool and as a result the stone can carry a negative charge. Tourmaline has a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other end. This is known as a pyro-electric charge and stems from the Greek word, “pyr”, meaning fire. The stone can also become charged from intense pressure, such as volcanoes. Actually volcanoes are the biggest producer of tourmaline ash and rock that carries the electrical charge found in tourmaline. This is where negative ions play a huge role in tourmaline and why we use it in our products. Ion-Energy Bands and Ion-Energy Bracelets carry such high negative ionic due to the nature of tourmaline and its ability to become charged under extreme pressure.